Nano Tech consulting was founded and registered in 2001 by Wezi Chekwe in Lusaka as a premier Research and Development providing solutions to technical challenges and create innovations that give our firm competitive advantage over others. We have a network of technical and scientific consultants affiliated with Nano Tech.
Dr Wezi Chekwe the founder, is a graduate of physical sciences and engineering from the University of Helsinki, and the Helsinki University of Technology, Finland. He has additional Msc specialization in Electronic and Communications engineering in the department of Electrical and Electronic engineering, the Helsinki University of Technology at Otaniemi- Espoo, Finland. He spent over four years working in the institute of seismology of the University of Helsinki. He received special training in Airborne Geophysics (Aerogeofysiikka) as well as instrumentation for airborne geophysics at the Geological Survey of Finland in conjunction with the Helsinki University of Technology. He is a specialist in the advanced mathematical fields of Partial Differential Equations(PDEs) and Real Analysis. He has high aptitude for modeling phenomena inside the Earth and other planets.
Wezi worked for the same field in the Geological Survey Department , Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development where he carried out similar works including seismology. He was appointed principal Energy Exploration Officer at the Department of Energy, Ministry of Energy and Water Development charged with the responsibility of re-starting the nation-wide oil and gas exploration program in 2005-06.
He has lectured electronic engineering and electronic instrumentation courses in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Zambia. Was a member of the Finnish Graduate Engineers’ Association, the Finnish Mathematical Society and is currently associated with the Society for Exploration Geophysicists (SEG). Joseph Changwe Engineer Mr. Changwe has worked in ZCCM. He is mechanical engineer specialized in heavy duty equipment, and Drive and Gear systems.


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